Compassionate Thunder Bay - Communications Lead
ACCOUNTABILITY: The Chair, Vice-Chair and the community
NATURE AND SCOPE: The role of the Communications Lead will be to aid the community and the committee in advancing Compassionate Communities in Thunder Bay. This primarily includes being the main point of contact for Compassionate Thunder Bay and making sure the community is aware of our actions.
As with all members of this movement they must actively facilitate the direction and growth of the movement.
Approximate hour commitment: 2-4 hours per month, including monthly meeting.
This is an unpaid, volunteer position.
Beneficial Experience
Government or organizational experience preferred.
Experience with media awareness.
Knowledge on website design/development.
Current Responsibilities
Handling all external outreach and communications of the committee.
Being the media spokesperson; handling external communications, along with the Chair.
Maintenance and updates to the Compassionate Thunder Bay website.
Future Responsibilities
Working with the Vice-chair on advertisements about Compassionate Thunder Bay and recruitment.