Compassionate Communities in Thunder Bay.
Compassionate Thunder Bay is a small community led group that is attempting to bring the Compassionate Communities movement to Thunder Bay.
Currently, we are made up of mostly interested health-care professionals, passionate community members and relevant organizations.
Below is a brief overview of the Compassionate Communities movement in Thunder Bay.

The Conversation Begins
The conversation about bringing the Compassionate Community movement to Thunder Bay first began in 2018 among Hospice Northwest, North West Regional Palliative Care Program (RPCP), St. Joseph's Care Group and Lakehead University Centre for Education and Research on Aging & Health (CERAH). This group met and started a plan to launch the movement in Thunder Bay.
May 25, 2022
Town Hall Meeting
This group of organizations and community members, led by Hanna Johnston, of Hospice Northwest, presented the idea of Compassionate Communities to officials and the community.

Sept. 7 - Oct. 24, 2022
Reviewed the 13 Charter Items
After the town hall, this group decided to review the 13 charter items outlined by Dr. Kellehear, and identified community resources that matched each item.
Nov. 15, 2022
Community Planning Meeting
Members of the community met and created the structure and current goals for Compassionate Thunder Bay. These goals are finding leadership and increasing community awareness.

Searching for Leadership & Spreading Awareness
Currently, Compassionate Thunder Bay is looking for passionate individuals to lead and drive us forward and help increase community awareness for Compassionate Communities.